Achieving Happiness: Part 2


Although the 4th of July was 4 days ago, (And I did that on purpose, of course), the idea of how to be happy came to me once again on this quite patriotic day.

As I lit the firework, that might or might not have been legal, with a handheld lighter for the first time, I smiled and thought of all the things I have not done in my life.  I thought of all the things I hoped I could one day do, hoped I could one day accomplish.  It made me smile to try something new, even if I burned my thumb in the process.

How can I be happy?  This is the toughest and most important question that we can ask and hopefully answer in our lives.  I would love to tell you that I have the answer, but unfortunately, like the rest of us, I don’t.  But I am learning every day.  And on the unofficial birthday of my country, I learned something that I have been told so many times in my life.  Try new things, for it will make you happy.  I’m here to tell you that it’s true.

If you want to change a life (like me), get off of the couch and go make it happen.  Don’t wait for things to happen, make them happen.  Stop waiting for things to happen, and just do them.  As motivational as this sounds, it all circles back to happiness.

Sometimes, if you play with fire, you will get burned.  But it’s much better to burn your thumb and feel the heat, then to just feel nothing at all.

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